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The Importance of Documenting AI-Based Systems

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The Importance of Documenting AI-Based Systems


In today's fast-paced world, AI-based systems have become increasingly prevalent in various fields, ranging from healthcare to finance and beyond. As these systems become more sophisticated, it is crucial to document their key components and functionalities. In this article, we will explore the significance of documenting AI-based systems and delve into the essential components that need to be included in the documentation.

General Components:

When documenting an AI-based system, there are several fundamental components that should be recorded. These include identifiers, descriptions, developer details, hardware requirements, license details, version information, and points of contact. These common pieces of information serve as a point of reference and ensure consistency and clarity throughout the development and testing processes.

Design Considerations:

The design phase of an AI-based system involves making critical assumptions and technical decisions. It is essential to document these choices to provide a foundation for future references and understanding. Design documentation should include primary and secondary use cases, typical user approaches, self-learning capabilities, known biases, ethical considerations, safety concerns, transparency measures, decision thresholds, and platform and concept drift.

Data Sets:

Data plays a pivotal role in training and evaluating AI models. Therefore, documenting the relevant data sets is crucial. This includes features, availability, pre-processing requirements, content labeling, data size, privacy and security measures, bias and fairness considerations, and any restrictions or constraints. Documenting these aspects ensures consistency and accuracy when training and evaluating the AI model.


To ensure the reliability and effectiveness of an AI-based system, comprehensive testing is crucial. Documentation should include the description and availability of the test data set, as well as the independence of the testing team. Testing approaches for robustness, explainability, concept drift, and portability should also be documented. Thorough testing documentation provides transparency and confidence in the system's performance.

Training and ML Functional Performance:

When documenting an AI-based system, it is vital to note the matrices used to evaluate the system's performance. This includes the ML algorithm utilized, weight selection, validation data set, ML functional performance matrices, and threshold values. Comprehensive documentation of the training and ML functional performance components allows for accurate evaluation and optimization of the system.

Importance of Clear Documentation:

Clear documentation significantly aids in testing AI-based systems by providing transparency regarding system implementation. Essential areas to document include the system's purpose, functional and non-functional requirements, architectural and design information, operating system specifications, and input data sources. Clear documentation aids in integration testing, system testing, and adapting the system to changes in its operational environment. Additionally, understanding the details of expected system users ensures representative testing.


Documenting AI-based systems is crucial for their successful development and testing. Proper documentation ensures consistency, transparency, and effective evaluation. By including essential components such as general information, design considerations, data sets, testing details, and training and ML functional performance, we can create a comprehensive record that aids in understanding and optimizing AI-based systems. Clear documentation contributes to the overall reliability and success of AI-based systems in serving their intended audience.